#WhyPodcasts trigger imagination

Aman Madaan
The Storiyoh Gazette
4 min readApr 27, 2019

I’m Aman Madaan, a 21-year-old theater artist from Delhi. And this is my story on why I listen to podcasts.

Ever since I was a little boy, I had the pleasure of being presented with diverse stories which gave the experience of traveling to different worlds, eras, and sagas; thanks to my grandfather’s adept bedtime routine of narrating stories to me. Back then I didn’t realize that I was a having an exclusive live-stream of a podcast that too, an interactive one.

With my grandfather’s farewell to the world, my bedtime routine (initially a large chunk of nothingness) was rescued by the mighty podcasts. It gave me a personal comfort and a sense of security of someone narrating to me while I fall asleep.

Initially, my podcast experience was filled with stories. Later that routine evolved into a different one as I explored the podcasting world on my little iPhone 3’s new podcast app.

Over the years I’ve come to realize how overlooked podcasts are. Despite such a significant part that they can play in my routine without hampering it. Majority of my podcast experience happens before I sleep or while commuting long distances. These two intervals certainly don’t hamper my productivity.

As it may seem to the outside they are not just restricted to stories the podcasting platforms hold a large number of different experiences. The reason I use the word ‘experience’ is that the medium of audio includes intonations, variations in pitch and pauses thereby communicating feelings and emotions to all the listeners and providing them with experiences rather than just a reading session.

Me being a theatre artist, podcasts have helped me with my focus, intonation, dialect, and diction which are an integral part of acting.

I would personally recommend ‘the Joe Rogan Experience’ for people who are philosophy buffs and ‘Wrestletalk’ for wrestling fans.

‘6-minute vocabulary’ has personally helped me with difficult pronunciations.

For people who are looking to stay updated with the news, and don’t want the hassle of flipping through pages of random advertisements along with bits of news, would definitely feel better switching to podcasts as their source of daily news. I suggest the Global news podcast by the BBC as a trusted worldwide news source.

Apart from being aware of the happenings around the world, the podcast experience expands to self-help, philosophically driven, educational and tutorials based podcasts for improving a person’s ability inherently. Ted Radio Hour is a critically acclaimed series.

For folks wanting to stay updated with pop culture entertainment, films, art, and the sporting world are also molded into the medium of audio and make there share in the podcasting world.

The podcasting world in this day and age is a continuously growing platform as people become more creative and busy in daily lives.

Podcasts could very well be inculcated in our routine as one can easily multitask while listening to one. I mean, I could easily be doing my math homework and still also be connected to my favorite sports team’s Manchester United’s latest match updates all at the same time.

Podcasts do not provide visuals, rather leave it for me as the listener to imagine. The audio, on the other hand, communicates emotions and feelings along with data giving a path to the listener’s imagination. I feel these two unique aspects bring the best of both worlds of film and books in one media that’s a podcast.

I’m listening to podcasts on Storiyoh. If you liked what I wrote, maybe you’d want to follow me there. Search for me on Aman05 when you are on the app. See you around! :)

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