A somewhat bitter poet speaks (aka what Gurus don’t say)

Helen Sventitsky
The storm in the midst of the calm
2 min readMay 3, 2016

I wrote and submitted my first set of poems at 20 to the Cat’s Meow at CND;

They were as good at notes submitted from hell to the underground, onto the pages of the Paris Review.

“sorry, we want poems with images, not ones that make statements”

I tried again next quarter.
Every cliche that caught fire.

I had 4 poems punlished.

I entered a poem into a hometown contest.


Second time, I won,

despite the “uncommercial” nature of my work.

I was emboldened to submit to other publications.

The reject letters and snark from editors piled as

unpaid bills on the dining room table,

a result of jobs from which I was getting fired.

I was too busy being “uncommercial” and making statements.

I started going to meetings of 7 poets at William Talcott’s flat in the Sunset.

I would stop at Ed and Richard’s on Fulton for soup and art.

Everyone there changed my style. Or refined it.

The wood was starting to look like glass.

I had one disasterous reading at the Burlingame Public Library to promote a book I produced using dot matrix tech and a Commedore 64;

the Librarian took pity and bought a couple of copies for 3 bucks.

several of the other poets started allowing me into their publications;

the poem about my abortion was a particular hit.

The wood was turning into glass.

Then we split up.

William died. Jim moved to WA, Jules to London. I followed my husband as a lost puppy all over the western US and then to Munich.

Ed runs the group now. Whole new crew. No history. All hungry as I was, I have no wisdom to give them.

One day I will contribute, but I live too far away.

So I settle for the web;

Rejections now fly into my inbox as ether, “likes” precious as pablum;

my work disappearing using certain hashtags on Tumblr, where I do a sitewide search for my poems after I hit “submit”

and come up empty.

The thoughts I hold now wander to new dimensions,

one day where kindred spirits also find themselves

too busy being “uncommercial” and making statements.



Helen Sventitsky
The storm in the midst of the calm

Singer/songwriter/expat from hell. This blog houses essays for my YT channel.