Garima Gayatri
The Story Bar
Published in
3 min readDec 12, 2018


Content is King, the audience de-facto head!

“Something preeminent in its class”- that’s what content is and how it can significantly transform your business needs to be considered in entirety.

When a brand is created, it is created with a philosophy and a voice. The philosophy forms the core foundation and the voice is what the audience perceives. If there is even the slightest amount of mismatch between the two, the value and the vision is bound to get lost in the noise.

It is through content that you carve out a space for your organization amidst the clutter. It is important and holds the power to make people stay with you throughout your journey. Only if it’s relevant and floated across the right channels, targeting the right set of audience at the right time.

We come across various companies with similar business ideas. We end up choosing one that offers something different and credible on the table. That’s where content comes in. People won’t be able to buy what they don’t know about and if it doesn’t add any value to their own enterprise.

It is your content that gives you visibility across the online space. The idea is to sound smart and trustworthy. Pure advertisements and promotional content won’t make any difference here.

The audience takes the final call

You create something brimming with personality and then, nobody understands that personality.

You created a powerful piece of content but you failed to identify the right audience.

You couldn't establish the right connect.

The uniqueness disappeared in the noise.

It is extremely crucial to define your target audience, understand their psyche and then present something that can help them connect with your brand.

Once you have understood your audience, you need not oversell and certainly, you do not have to sound desperate. Keep it simple yet grand. Hold back and leave it to them. If your product is worth considering, they will surely welcome it. Talk about your brand story rather than over emphasizing on the features and benefits of the products and services.

And then with everything going fine, you tried to sound too smart. In that attempt to sound too smart, you created a lengthy piece of content- a blog, a video, an infographic or whatever it is on the internet.

In the online arena, people are going through too much and actually reading or watching too little. All you have is 8 seconds- that’s the average human attention span. Did you make these precious few minutes matter?

Content is King but it certainly needs an army

A fine piece of content is nothing on its own if the finer nuances and aesthetics are not taken care of. As much enthusiasm with which it was born, will die if it is not presented before the right audience at the right platform and in the right manner.

Create something that inspires confidence, a belief, a sense of belonging and most importantly, something that people would like to take home!



Garima Gayatri
The Story Bar

A writer inspired by stories of smithereens. I write to make some sense of the nothingness, we all call life.