The Breakdown

Garima Gayatri
The Story Bar
Published in
2 min readJul 21, 2019
Oh Darling, did your heart break? Into a million pieces?

Half-hearted commitments,

Promises not kept,

A cup of fear,

A glass full of anxieties,

The virtual taking over the real,

Emotions unexpressed,

Thoughts misconceived,

Communication misinterpreted,

History buried in the dark.

This or that? Here or there?

An aura of confusion around the present,

Too difficult to accept the truth,

Lies are woven in a golden thread,

The concrete causes lost and the shallow ones gaining ground,

Fighting for too much and too little at the same time,

Busy in the phoniness,

The makeup hides the scars,

The curtain conceals it all but the show must go on.

No ventilation for anger,

The window of hope is closed.

People come and go,

People go and come,

Treated not as humans but as fine objects of display.

Yes, they are real. They are called “humans”.

Riot within manifests into the crime outside,

Somebody is murdered,

Somebody is raped.

A dream is killed right where it was born.

What one can’t achieve through sweat is snatched and stolen.

I will throw the garbage in front of your house,

Come what may, my palace should be clean.

Money buying the love, the power, and the freedom,

Integrity and dignity overshadowed by corruption,

I will spit on you,

I will trample upon your soul,

I will shatter your heart into infinite pieces,

I need to win, after all,

The sun rises and the sun sets down,

Seasons change,

The heart refuses to believe,

It grows bitter with each passing moment,

The mind schemes more,

There is always a plan,

Good intentions shall be kept aside,

I am en-route to escape,

The pen makes an attempt to write about it all.

Is the pen mightier than the sword?

However, it hesitates.

It only gathers enough courage to say,

‘Don’t you be afraid my little darling, it is called the breakdown. Just a simple word.’



Garima Gayatri
The Story Bar

A writer inspired by stories of smithereens. I write to make some sense of the nothingness, we all call life.