A Paradox for Jean-Claude

San Cassimally
The Story Hall
Published in
1 min readFeb 3, 2018

It is a truth universally acknowledged that whenever two groups compete in any field, there must be a winner and a loser. Nobody will deny that as the rich gets richer, the poor gets poorer. In any sports competition, there will be one winner and the rest will be losers.

But one can ask, Is there an exception to this rule? I aver that there is.

Take the Scots and their neighbours south of the border, the Sassenachs.

Warlike Scots

Every year tens of thousands of Scots cross the border, and in a likewise fashion about the same number cross the same border, but in the opposite direction.

It is also universally acknowledged that as a result of this particular activity, the IQ of both nations shoot up. Jean-Claude, our resident philosopher might like to offer an explanation.



San Cassimally
The Story Hall

Prizewinning playwright. Mathematician. Teacher. Professional Siesta addict.