A True Story Of Fake Art

Spoiler Alert: Netflix Documentary

Vaishali Paliwal
The Story Hall
2 min readMar 6, 2021


Pei-Shen Qian painting in the style of Mark Rothko, one of the fakes sold by the Knoedler Gallery. Courtesy of Luke Nikas/the Winterthur Museum.

The Artist

Artist from China who made the fake paintings claims he had no idea that his paintings were being sold as originals; it wasn’t a forgery. Of course he signed them off as the original artist would. Now he is back in his home country having escaped the court case in United States, and only makes art for himself, his wife claims.

His fake paintings were sold for 80 million US dollars as original works of Rothko, Pollock, Motherwell.

The Shop

We see a shop in China where these fake paintings are made in bulk.

The shop worker has a mobile phone in his left hand with the signature of the original artist on screen, and with his right hand he imitates the signature on his dusty canvas casually laid on a temporary shelf. We see another shop worker reproducing a Pollock, bending over the huge canvas slowly making meticulous brush strokes, with a reference painting on his mobile phone to copy from, atom by atom.

The Dealer

She admits being a fool.

She didn’t know they were fakes, she says.

She was never prosecuted for any criminal charges.

She claims she has committed her life now to regain trust of the world.

She is often seen by the buyer in the same fancy cafe enjoying her latte.

She owns a gallery now and continues to sell art.

The expert, the critic, the historian

Confirms the authenticity of the fakes.

Signs a certificate.

The Owner

Gallery,165 years old, survived in last couple of decades only because of the profit margins made from the sales of the fakes. If not for that, the gallery would have closed, some analyst tells us. Owner is a rich dog. Calls the fake beautiful, and puts it in the market.

Enters the court with lavish blue velvet coat, tan skin, golden hair, as the buyer recalls.

The Buyer

Sits on another rich sublime couch. Takes revenge. Takes her money back. Settles. Sheds a tear in the court.

Another buyer spits on the face of the dealer. Settles.

The Criminal

Gets 9 months house arrest . Waitress now in Brooklyn. Used to deliver Rothkos in her car.

Original artist



Another rich sunset. Another night of poverty.

V Paliwal


