Action as a four-step dance


Kirstin Vanlierde
The Story Hall
2 min readApr 25, 2022


move in//move out//move on//move away

Here’s a week to throw ourselves into what needs or wants to be done with a lot of gusto and energy! The nine of wands is card of power and push, so don’t get in its way.

But on the other hand, if we are too eager, too focused, too tired or too fixed on an outcome we think we should arrive at for whatever reason, we are well on the way to burn ourselves out. There are no awards for wading against the stream, for trying to stay awake at the wheel, for going the extra mile if we in fact yearn for peace and quiet.

So let’s approach every part of this week just one step at a time:
* moving into it, consicously and deliberately and doing what we came there to do
*moving out again when we have finished
*allowing ourselves to move on from it and lift our eyes to the horizon
*move away from it, and onto the next step/process/day/challenge that requires our attention.

Faced with an acceptionally charged week, I certainly intend to follow my own advice. Meet you at the other end of this powerful handful of days, have a nice week!

#bezieldleven #spiritualiteit #welkominmijnwerkkamer #spiritualiteitinhetdagelijksleven #tarot #kaarten #animamunditarot #nineofwands #sharongal #sharongaletudes



Kirstin Vanlierde
The Story Hall

Walker between worlds, writer, artist, weaver of magic