Alien Messenger

Soulez Chille
The Story Hall
Published in
2 min readJul 21, 2019

I had tried my best to get a better snapshot, but no matter how long I waited, the painted lady butterfly, upon a blazing star (aka: Liatris) would not fully open her wings. Under the hot sun, patience was not plentiful to wait any longer. So, I followed her as she fluttered around the flower tops and snapped a few. I downloaded them into my computer, using one as a prop for a poem.

I am one who believes that butterflies are used as messengers to let one know loved ones, long gone, are nearby. My garden is full of butterflies most sunny days so I just figured “everyone” is having a grand reunion and never know who is who, but they always make me smile. But this painted lady was carrying a message from dad, that he was close by, this I know for sure and if it weren’t for a friend guiding me to what was in front of me I would have missed it all together.

Dad passed away in 2008. He believed in aliens-the inter-galactical ones- not neighbors across our borders. Often, he would tell the story how some have been captured, and are kept in the basement of the white house. My sisters and I were often amused, and often reminisce about his stories with loving smiles.

After seeing the photo, my friend called with excitement “Can you see it?”, and pointed it out to me. Guess dad wasn’t going to let me retire to bed, without me knowing he was nearby. So after taking a closer look at the painted lady snapshot, there it was, plain as day, an ET resemblance that can’t be denied. Now I know why the painted lady would not open her wings.

Thanks dad for not giving up on me, thanks BD7, for seeing it for him — for me.

