Are there poems in you?

Apoorva Mishra
The Story Hall


Do you look for

The Rhyme and Reason

Of Your Being?

Do you wander

‘Lonely as a Cloud’

To get lost

In beauty,

The hues and colours

Of life.

To transcend Words

By painting

With them instead,

To have feelings

Come and Go

Like Visitors

That you capture ‘selfies’

In fleeting lines

To convey the magic

Of alchemy

Between seeing,

Feeling and deciphering,

In the signposts of words

Letting the Reader

Briefly enter another world.

Never quite satisfied

Always everything an approximate.

Sometimes tumbling

In your deep sensitivity

Sometimes wary,

Whether there are words

In you still.

Then indeed you are

A poet and there

Is no cure!



Apoorva Mishra
The Story Hall

Write mostly poems and thoughts on what inspires me.