Childish Input Sometimes is Brilliant

Susan G Holland
The Story Hall
Published in
3 min readNov 1, 2018

Here’s an old story that has surely been around at least a century.
The semi gets stuck under a low overpass. The driver and all the people
are standing around wondering whether to wreck the truck to get it out, or whether to dig a deep trench so it can drive out, or to saw off the top part to get the truck out. A kid watching all the head scratching pipes up and says, “Why don’t you let the air out of the tires?”

Remember that one?
I always admired the Amish for their intelligent quid pro quo with the need for energy vis a vis forces of nature.

Even out of work Americans could stay fit and solvent by using such a concept!

I just read a headline of an article about something completely unrelated to what is baffling me right now. (It’s about drugs.) BUT It said “Go to Mexico and Collect $500.”

The child in me piped up and said, “What if you rewarded everyone who you want to return to Mexico $500 to go back home? I mean, if a Mexican citizen wants to come to the USA but doesn’t want to apply for citizenship, they can go through a style into the US, follow a pathway in a U-turn, and when they step back into Mexico, they get $500.00. (could be just a deposit into a bank account or for those without bank accounts, a fist full of cash.

Wouldn’t that be better than spending trillions of dollars building walls and bringing in the US Armed Forces, and erecting detention centers, and doing the legal rigmarole about arresting and trying people who come into the country? How many $500/wads would the US have to fork out per day to do something like this? Would the total be less than what we are paying per day for all the personnel and infrastructure at our borders that are now being shelled out? Just a question.

I really am not sure. I have a child’s brain and expertise about things like this, truly. No science smarts, and No expertise.

But it just seems to me that if there were 1. a sort of affordable incentive arrangement at the border that pays a bit of travel cash for the person to go back home it would be kind, not exploitive, and probably and would provide a round-about at the border that would certainly be constantly used

caveat: (I suppose there would be hoodlums who would get slaves to go round and round for them and collect the money from them on pain of death). I mean that is already happening, surely.

BUT I am thinking that if the round-about get-your-money gadgets were hooked up to 2. a power generator system, the US could collect the electric power to generate all kinds of things — heat homes, run machines, power cars!

Like a treadmill? To swap energy for $500 a person? More or less?

Tell me I am being childish.

I won’t mind.

A person I love and respect thinks this would be an unhealthy incentive and create a dependency that would be addictive and that it would end up being abused. This person is sure that a wall is best.

What does everyone think?




Susan G Holland
The Story Hall

Student of life; curious always. Tyler School of Fine Art, and a couple of years’ worth of computer coding and design, plus 87 years of discovery. Now in WA