Choice vs. Time

Hawkeye Pete Egan B.
The Story Hall
Published in
2 min readJan 2, 2019
Dustin Scarpitti, Unsplash

“It’s not about time, it’s about choices. How are you spending your choices?” — Beverly Adamo

This gives me my first intention for the New Year. I choose to be intentional with how I spend my choices. I will stop fighting time. It’s impossible to fight something that doesn’t even really exist. Time is all in my head. I will choose, instead, to consider what choices I make, and will choose to spend them wisely. I will leave time out of the equation, altogether. It’s not real.

I choose to write in the morning, so I will write in the morning. It’s not about “if I wake up in time to write”, or “if I can find the time between my other early morning activities”. No, it’s not that. It’s about making the choice to write, or not. I choose to write, today, this morning.

Lee Scott, Unsplash

I choose to walk five miles a day, so today, I will choose to walk. I wanted to write, “choose to find the time to walk”, but that’s not it. That will put me on the treadmill of trying to find something that doesn’t really exist. I might use that as an excuse for why I didn’t do my walking today — “I just couldn’t find the time, today.”

No, instead, I am simply choosing to walk — period. So I will walk. 5 miles. I won’t walk 3, and hope to catch my average up tomorrow. No — today, I will walk 5 miles. I will choose to keep going until I reach that point, somewhere between 10,000 and 10,200 steps, when my apple watch hits 5 miles.

That’s all I choose to write about intentions for 2019, today. I think that’s enough. If any more come up, I’ll make a note of them, and maybe write about them tomorrow. However, I will leave that choice up to tomorrow. I might feel like writing about something completely different tomorrow, and don’t want to burden myself with a choice from yesterday (today), tomorrow.

It’s all about choice. I’ve decided to make that my “word” for 2019.




Hawkeye Pete Egan B.
The Story Hall

Connecting the dots. Storytelling helps me to make sense of this world, and of my life. I love writing and reading. Writing is like breathing, for me.