A Conspiracy of Storytellers

Geoff Dutton
The Story Hall
Published in
3 min readApr 8, 2018

Looking into the netherworld of our masters gets lonely sometimes, so come keep me company. So let’s co-conspire; you supply the intrigue.

Of late, my thing has me reading and writing a lot about conspiracies, mostly of the governmental and media kinds. What got me going was a 1982 book by the late L. Fletcher Prouty (Col USAF, retired), who passed in 2001. The book is The Secret Team and it’s available online. It intimately advises how the CIA came to become an invisible government post-WWII and details its various misadventures, all secret, costly and for the most part failures. Naming names and exposing methods, it details how CIA counterinsurgency operations in Europe, Indochina, Iran, Cuba, Africa, and Central and South America toppled regimes, massacred leftists, manipulated elections, and started conflicts that the US, of course, was obliged to finish.

That the press and media were its partners in spin and deniability and that the agency went to extraordinary lengths to disappear Prouty’s book from stores and libraries (including the Library of Congress) convinced me the Colonel wasn’t making stuff up. Nor did he stop there. After publishing his next book, on the assassination of John. F. Kennedy, Prouty consulted with Oliver Stone in the making of JFK, and is portrayed in it as an Air Force officer called Mr. X. Writing about the film and his role in it, Prouty said:

As Oliver Stone has said so frequently, “Had President Kennedy lived, Americans would not have become deeply involved in the Vietnam War.” Because of the enormous dollar potential of the War to the great military-industrial complex of the United States and because of other threats to the power elite, it had become absolutely necessary, for them, to bring about this coup d’état on the streets of Dallas. This book in its original form provided vital parts of the movies theme. In the final analysis, both the movie and book prove beyond all doubt that the government’s Warren Commission Report on the Assassination of President Kennedy was contrived and is false; and that the government used the Warren Commission to cover up the facts of the crime with a diversionary story.

Looking into how the Deep State penetrates everything preoccupies me, but it needn’t you. There are more than enough political plots, whispering campaigns, news suppression, price-fixing, and family and office politics that need to be revealed, whether real or imagined. It doesn’t have to actually happened.

So, here’s a prompt: Have you ever uncovered, witnessed, participated in, or imagined a conspiracy? Let’s have a little fun laying bare familial, social, financial, and governmental secret manipulations that we’ve experienced, read about, or would enjoy conjuring up. Write ’em up, why dontchya, and post them as comments to this story. But, if you’d prefer to have your conspiracy stand alone, please link it to this one. Spin yarns that will keep us up at night not knowing whom we can trust.

I’ll prime the pump with a fictional account of a conspiracy put a deep dent into the deep state. It’s a chapter from Mahmoud’s Jihad, my alt-thriller that embeds you in a cell of leftist liberators in Greece to follow them as they plot and launch an assassination operation in Turkey, all the way to its bitter end. In it, Mahmoud learns what he will have to do when he attacks an upcoming G-20 meeting with a deadly nerve agent, not something he’d ever pictured himself doing.

Game on!

