Sunset in Brighton

Day and Night : A conversation

Apoorva Mishra
The Story Hall


Night said to Day

Now the Winter has drawn

My time has come

For my darkness to unfurl

But Don’t worry Day

You will still have your turn

Don’t look so sad with your low

Timid light!

Yes, my time will come soon enough

When the spring arrives chirped Day

You’ll be put right, shorter nights

Will be everyone’s delight!

Night smiled, who said you are

Everyone’s delight, not to the Bat or the Owl

Or the Moon and the stars that twinkle

Yes but so much gets done when I am around,

Insisted Day, and my light provides so much warmth

Your Sun’s light, corrected Night,

But all need rest and a time for sweet dreams

Face it, Day, you need me just as much to have a break!

Well we can argue ‘til the clocks go forward and back

And all through the months on a calendar

We’ll be dancing together through the seasons

Let’s come together for a quiet nightcap!

At twilight, said Day with a yawn,

I’ll see you again Night just before Dawn.

Rest well ’til then my partner in Light!



Apoorva Mishra
The Story Hall

Write mostly poems and thoughts on what inspires me.