Deep time

Scandinavian dreaming #3

Kirstin Vanlierde
The Story Hall
Aug 2, 2023


Tanum petroglyphs, granite and moss © Inaya photography

This is the silence of deep time

layer upon layer
patiently stacked.

Stone Age petroglyphs
traced into granite
honed by eons of ice.

Water, for a filmy instant
the messenger of time’s caress
ever so gently, ever deeper.

Moss sprouting unperturbed
from soil left in peace,
forgotten and free to unfurl.

How puny we are, humanoids.
Stick figures on boats
donned with dragon heads.

We strive to subdue waves but this
is a temporary conquest at best.
Submersed in elements deeper, older

wiser and more powerful, we carve
our visions into living rock, craving
immortality. We leave but traces.

Perhaps they are
enough. Perhaps they
are the same thing.



Kirstin Vanlierde
The Story Hall

Walker between worlds, writer, artist, weaver of magic