Flowing With Change

‘If you realize that all things change,

There is nothing you will try to hold on to.

If you aren’t afraid of dying

There is nothing you can’t achieve.

Trying to control the future

Is like trying to take the master carpenter’s place.

When you try to handle the master carpenter’s tools,

Chances are you’ll cut your hand.’

Tao Te Ching (translation, Stephen Mitchell)

The words aren’t flowing, thoughts are all over the place, running down the street playing hopscotch, skipping stones across the water drowning in a sea of sounds that make no sense, nonsense, no sentence.

Change isn’t flowing in my time and rhythm, it’s going in its own time and rhythm and I’m impatient, wanting to push and pull it as it slowly makes its path around boulders and through brambles, while I search for that stream of silent non-action where everything is accomplished by not doing, hidden in plain sight…if I can just sink into the flow and open to it.

I made the fractals in UltraFractal5.

