Nature’s Messenger Welcomed

Soulez Chille
The Story Hall
Published in
3 min readOct 27, 2017

It seems there is always something that prevents me from leaving for work on time these days. Even when I leave on time, I find myself having to return home or go back into the house to retrieve a forgotton cell phone (work phone), packed lunch, or purse. My canine and feline family members are use to me returning to the house, soon after leaving them behind. Rather than greet me at the door, they stay put when I return only allowing their eyes to follow me as I retrieve the forgotten item(s), as if to say “ hi again, what did you forget this time?” Fortunately, I have some flexibility in my work hours, and can adjust my schedule to make up for the late start of my day.

Today, the reason for my later arrival to my office came from nature. On my way out the door, I first noticed the trash can was knocked over, and its contents strewn behind my car. Even though I live in rural Pennsylvania, this has not happened for many years. Looking at the muddy prints on the outside of the can — it appears that a small sized bear was the culprit. A sudden “oh noooooo” echoed inside as I ran to the back of the yard to take a quick look see at the beehives — all still in tact. Then, breathing easier, I suddenly heard a noisy racket from above. Approaching my car again, I look up to see two large birds circling high over my head. At first, I thought they were the pileated woodpeckers that had visited me another morning not so long ago. They circled twice , then back and forth overhead they flew communicating in a frantic manner.

Finally landing in the top bare branches of the old, now dead(the sad result of the appetites of gypsies), oak in front of my home, I was able to get a better look. Recognizing the top heavy built, ragged crest, and their piercing rattle, I realized that they were kingfishers and not woodpeckers . But what strange behavior they were exhibiting. I live near a stream and am use to observing them flying low, patroling along the waterway. I’ve never seen them fly at such a height I had witnessed and appearing so excited. They took turns, one at a time, perching in the top of the oak, and then they were gone, and I was on my way to work fifteen minutes later.

I have become more in tune with messages from nature over time. It was as if I was meant to see these birds. If I hadn’t stopped to clean up the trash, see the paw prints, check the hives, I would have left for work on time, and missed the unusual flight of the two kingfishers centering around me— a thought that haunted me all day. Upon my return home, I researched the symbolism of the kingfisher. Here’s what Ted Andrews has to say about the message of the Kingfisher in his book, “Animal-Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small”

“Kingfisher — new warmth, sunshine, prosperity and love”

“The kingfisher is a long time symbol of peace and prosperity. ……………………..If the kingfisher has come to you, prepare to dive into something new. Have you been avoiding the new? Have you been afraid to take the plunge? Are you needing new warmth? Don’t worry if a kingfisher is around, you won’t drown. You will have more sunshine unfolding in your life.”

I think I will hold on to the thought that this message was intended for me.

