Apoorva Mishra
The Story Hall
Published in
1 min readOct 26, 2021


Inner Vision

In the darkness of the unknown

Swimming in a sea of stars

Your figure distant but glowing

Your eyes blazing like the

Life giving sun

Your body dripping with


I watch you from my inner eye

Wondering whether you are my creation

In sheer awe of your beauty

Are you from another Heaven?

If you had wings maybe

You would be a guardian angel

Your gentle smiling face

With a beautiful sparkle

You come forward as if to reveal

Some inner vision I had long forgotten

You tread so softly

As if your body is made

Of Akasha

Am I day dreaming or is this

A pure vision

Of a divine connection?

Are you a glimpse of my own soul?

I watch you mesmerized

And you say to me

Dear Goddess of Light

Come meet your Sun God

Let’s now decorate this Earth

With a pure vibrant love

And I know with this that for eternity

I have held your love like a galaxy within my heart

Ready to dance and swirl in the fire of creation.



Apoorva Mishra
The Story Hall

Write mostly poems and thoughts on what inspires me.