Inner Voice

Jeff Bailey
The Story Hall
Published in
3 min readAug 26, 2017
Jeff Bailey © 2017

Yesterday morning, my wife shared some of what she was reading while she lay on the porch swing, “Conscious is waking up!” She stated enthusiastically. I sat in the shade of the house facing her and momentarily thought of our societal condition. “We can thank Trump for helping it along.” My facial features must have gone from reflective to lemon sour, but I thought she was right. Trump is a worldwide embarrassment; his effect is causing enormous pressure for change and something has to give. We have a choice; we can stay asleep or wake up.

With me, the challenge is listening to myself. My inner voice cuts through all the mental chatter and whispers to me; I hear it distinctly when to avoid something. I listen to a No! That is the inner wisdom? No is what I hear if what I am about to do isn’t favorable to me but when I listen and abide by it, I feel is a sense of joy. Joy is a good teacher.

Following my inner voice requires trust and obedience. I can hear the criticism for blindly following anything. The inner voice doesn’t screw around with — let’s make a deal — it whispers its guidance, and I get to follow its lead or not. Learning to abide by my inner guide is a tricky process when the messages of the past spoke to debasement.

What is occurring on a conscious and spiritual plane is not externally verifiable, and that is the proof any critic would use to dismiss its validity. An external audit is a false flag of approval and based on what others think not on what resides within. Not listening to oneself exists for many reasons, reasons initially created by an external source. There is a natural gulf between the intellect and the inner voice which needs to bridge but the intellect is a tough customer to convince of anything.

Freeing my mind of a patterning of negative thinking through meditation is an important part of my awakening process. Meditation leads to the cognition of Samadhi. Samadhi is defined as of thought while remaining aware of the subject without an object. Distilling the awareness of object until one reaches the awareness of subject without object refines our experiences of the world from the witness of experience.

When I listen and follow my internal voice, the reward is feelings of joy. Joy is another way of saying connection. A sense of connection between yourself and others and a sense of — being at home — in your environment wherever that is. The idea is that a feeling of being connected and a sense of joy grow in ever larger degrees.

Our internal navigator reads a living map continually unfolding as we venture through life. Listening to oneself is more than self-talk. It is more than positive affirmation or binaural beats. Rather than introducing something externally, we awaken an aspect within us and in doing so connect to a greater source of knowledge than the intellect can fathom.

How does your nature, that inner voice converse to you? Have you heard it?

