
San Cassimally
The Story Hall
Published in
1 min readFeb 25, 2019

kindness like waves of light or sound

do not disappear or get

swallowed in the ground

they linger on in one’s memory.

Street of Edinburgh with Arthur’s Seat in the background (Photo by S.C.)

I moved to Edinburgh twenty years ago. Every morning I walk to the newsagent five minutes from where I live to get my paper. On the way I pass outside a small terrace café. The owner (I presumed) was always busy putting out chairs and small tables, but he always had time to greet me and exchange a few words about the weather. We never had a proper conversation in fifteen years, only smiles. His good-will towards me was manifest. He must have died about five years ago, for I have stopped seeing him. I never knew his name, nor he mine. But every morning as I pass outside the café, I fondly remember his kindness to me.



San Cassimally
The Story Hall

Prizewinning playwright. Mathematician. Teacher. Professional Siesta addict.