Last Appointment of the Day by Soulez

Soulez Chille
The Story Hall
Published in
2 min readFeb 26, 2017
  • He is so very naive of modern times. Living in the past as we drive by various buildings throughout his hometown, he relives what those buildings use to be or who once there, lived. To himself, he mutters as he reads the passing signs. We stop at the doctor’s office, I accompany him now,since he missed the last two scheduled appointments. He was at risk of the doctor terminating him as a patient, even though he has seen the doctor for the better part of his seventy one years. He has begun to struggle with Parkinson’s, short term memory loss, and forgets to bathe. I struggle to find the services that will keep him in his apartment. His doctor asks him about going into a personal care home. I ask him about making a checklist so he can remember his daily tasks and order door delivered meals, so he does not have to use the stove. The doctor notes in his records that I visit almost weekly and his vitals were surprisingly good, despite the fact he has not been taken his meds. On the way home, we stop at the Rite Aid to pick up his prescriptions. I set up delivery for him as he waits in my car. Returning to my car, he reminds me the house across the street was where his mom’s hairdresser once lived. I drop him off at his apartment building. Before he leaves my car, he states that I need to get it washed. Beginning to explain that I agree, but in these negative temperatures lately, it will have to wait. He does not hear me ( his hearing aid will be fitted next Monday). He finishes his statement about my car,”…. because I just took a “whiz” on your seat. “ He apologizes, leaves the car and returns to Apartment 1009. I remind him to change his clothes.
  • Photo author: Thiago Lopes

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