Life’s Richest Blessings

With a Friend at Hand Then Everything’s Alright

Hawkeye Pete Egan B.
The Story Hall
2 min readAug 3, 2019


Photo by Jordan McQueen on Unsplash

The hardest part about the sudden prospect of moving in a couple of months is the many friendships whose nature will change. The ones that really count, the connection and the friendship will continue — but, it will necessarily change.

Some friends who I was used to seeing several times a week, I’ll now be lucky if I see once a month, or even every other month. Slowly, over time, the connection will be based on past memories and events, as the day-to-day connection you had becomes impossible to maintain. The energy that went into that connection will begin to go into new friendships and connections in our new place. That’s just the nature of it.

A part of me is excited about the possibilities of new connections, the potential new friendships to be made. Someone I haven’t even met yet could become my lifelong friend down there. That could even be one of the sources of the excitement I felt when we first considered even moving.

The energy of that friendship could already be stirring about in the collective psyche, and I just picked up on a thread of that energy when I thought about moving. I do believe that so much more goes on, energy-wise on levels we are not conscious of, that draws us to another who has energy that will compliment our own, and vice versa. It’s like, when you meet someone, and after 5 minutes you feel like you’ve known them all your life, like they’ve been a part of your life all along, even though you’ve just met them.

It was like that with several of the friends I made here, and certainly a few of my friends from when we lived in New Jersey, and when I lived in Bucks County, Pa before that.

What’s nice today is we have more mechanisms for keeping connected with distant friends. We’ve always had phones (in my lifetime), but now there’s facebook, e-mail, texting, and if I was younger and more adept, a gadzillion of other electronic platforms on which to meet and stay up on what’s happening in the life of a friend.

But, it’s still not quite the same, doesn’t have quite the essence, of the good old-fashioned face to face interaction. But, that’s life. You can’t pack all your friends up and move them down with you. We each live our lives, and at the end of it, if we can count on one, or maybe even two hands, the friends that were true throughout your journey through life, you can consider yourself damned lucky.

I feel most fortunate that there are a few of those in my life. It is one of life’s richest blessings.



Hawkeye Pete Egan B.
The Story Hall

Connecting the dots. Storytelling helps me to make sense of this world, and of my life. I love writing and reading. Writing is like breathing, for me.