Making Her Presence Known

Soulez Chille
The Story Hall
Published in
2 min readDec 15, 2017

What a great sight to behold on my morning walk with Milo! — a pair of pileated woodpeckers — never seen in the 40 years I have lived here, actually never seen other than in books. Stopped in my tracks, when I first saw one fly from the tree above me, I stopped and watched a while as it flew to its mate and then back to me, as if it wanted me to know it was not alone. Maybe wanting me to know, that I too am not alone. Hoping to see more in the area, as I stop to think of the role they played in the life of a dear friend and smile tears as I think of her visualization.

“ Dummy”(aka; Jan, see RIP My Friend and Guess I’ll Cry Come First of May) was my best of friends. The last nine years of her living, she managed to fight off pancreatic cancer, after being told initially, to go home, take care of business as she had about two months left in this old world. Needless to see, she did not accept the first doctor’s prognosis.

Aside, from finding the best of doctors in the northeast, she approached her situation in a holistic way, and sought out doctors who supported her doing so. One of her practices was visualization. Her particular visualization involved a pair of pileated woodpeckers pecking away one by one the cancerous cells trying to overtake her body. I believe it was that and her love of hiking that prolonged her life for those nine years.

I believe seeing those pileated woodpeckers, was a friendly hello from a friend today, letting me know she is there, as always, when needed. Thank you “Dummy”.

