Meditating in the Middle

Jeff Bailey
The Story Hall
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2017

2:15 am and my internal clock chimes — arise. Wait-one-minute, I know we have an agreement (between me and myself) that I would listen and heed your guidance but did you notice the time? Damn–it’s chilly, and my sweatpants are in the downstairs bathroom.

The lack of moisture has the stair treads creaking no matter where or how I place my feet. From the stair landing looking over the dining table and beyond the kitchen, I see an unearthly glow emanating from the family room. Even though I know it’s the plasma screen; it’s a little creepy.

It’s been a couple of months, and I am finally adjusting to these wee-hour forays. The family room is well away from the bedrooms, not that I make a lot of noise while meditating, it’s just the energy shift of someone being awake. I quietly pass through the rooms.

The heat remains down because I do not wish to hear the rumblings of the furnace. At half past too early O’clock, my feet are complaining. Tougher up I say and reach for the blanket they insist, I resist, and they persist, and I pull the blanket over my legs.

Time passes without recognition and quarter past too early has become quarter to five, energized and peaceful, I am ready to start the day, but the house is still asleep. At Six the furnace fires up, the circulators kick in, and the pipe fins ping.

It is the start of a good day!

