No More Hats or Bags…..pleeeeease?

Soulez Chille
The Story Hall
Published in
2 min readJan 19, 2018

You might call me a bag lady when it comes to my job, as I not only wear many different hats, but I also have a bag for whatever hat I may be wearing, filled with all the tools and information for me to accomplish the task at hand. Disability rights advocate, independent living skills trainer, high school transition coach, emergency preparedness presenter, information and referral specialist, peer mentor, housing specialist, services director, disability awareness facilitator, support group facilitator— that would be me all wrapped up in one.

I have recently begun a four day work week of thirty hours as I am trying my best to inch towards retirement. Yesterday, I let my director know that Friday would be my day off this week, and I was having a bit of a problem condensing my work into the thirty hours, and was already over that this week and would but the excess down as comp time if that was ok. “Sure” she said.

I suggested that she may need to look for a part-time skills trainer, I&R specialist, who would be funded by the twenty percent of my salary, I am no longer collecting as well as the $1300 plus the agency would be saving per month on my health insurance. She would have to discuss this with others.

Then she proceeded to tell me about a new group forming at the state level and that she has put me down as our contact for conference calls and meetings. Not quite sure about exactly what it is, mainly because I do not feel she understood it well enough — as often happens. In those cases she prefers to “assign” it to another. Once again, I am the lucky person.

Looks like more comp time coming my way, another hat, another bag. But for now, I begin my three day weekend which will include no thoughts-first or second-of work.

