No Worries

Jeff Bailey
The Story Hall
Published in
3 min readAug 24, 2017
Jeff Bailey © 2017

The Elizabeth Ann rode the 5-foot swells effortlessly; our ten-mile journey from Port Clyde to Monhegan Island took one hour. The family members who had come out a day earlier on Saturday greeted us at the dock; our delay being the Brunswick Art Festival on Saturday were my wife demonstrated her Soul Path Art and exhibited her paintings.

Jeff Bailey © 2017

We scheduled Larissa’s show and tell of The Soul Path Art process at the Trailing Yew on Monday, but for the rest of Sunday, we relaxed at the home of the Smith’s who graciously invite us to join them when we visit the island.

View from the Smith’s deck —Jeff Bailey © 2017

This year’s mini-vacation was especially enjoyable because of our Soul Path Art demonstration and how people are positively affected by it. The Trailing Yew lodge feels as old as the shingles in the photo; I like that about it. The Yew was an ideal place for our art event and five people showed up to participate.

October 2016

During the art events in Brunswick and on Monhegan, a significant experience occurred for two participants, one in each place. In Brunswick I noticed a woman standing in our tent looking at one painting of an owl. She stood silently for some time by herself before I entered and asked what she saw in the picture. She expressed that she had under gone major surgery and suffered a relation breakup this year and the painting eased her mind.

The artist and her posting

On Monhegan, a girl maybe 14 joined her mother to experience The Soul Path Art process. The process is a hands-on experience, and for the first hour, Larissa instructed the group in various techniques using pencils and markers to loosen up and get those creative juices flowing. The girl was having difficulty with expressing herself; she felt bound up due to a major family issue. During the next two hours the girl accessed a well of pent-up anger and by the time the event concluded, she felt and looked renewed.

Jeff Bailey © 2017

For the rest of our brief stay —1 1/2 days—we hung out and enjoyed seeing the eclipse.

Jeff Bailey © 2017

