Not so Bad, After All

Hawkeye Pete Egan B.
The Story Hall
Published in
4 min readMay 25, 2018

I am so pleased to say that the root of all my vertigo drama this week was nothing more than a garden variety inner ear infection — not the return of a schwannoma, or anything else exotic or mysterious. The doctor looked in with her scope and said, “It’s all swollen behind your ear drum.” I immediately thought tumor! “What’s swollen, Doc?” “Oh, just a lot of yellow-ish liquid — there’s an infection in there.” My relief was palpable. She prescribed some horse-pill sized antibiotics and told me to take it easy until it clears up — might take ten days. I’m good with that!

I’m officially withdrawing my desire to retire — just one of the many places my head went to while the world was spinning all around me all week. I think it’s safe to say, I am not ready for that just yet! In a way, I tried it on for size this week. I could handle it for a week, and maybe even another week, but don’t think I could make it at this pace for the rest of my life. I’m just not there yet.

No, I actually like to work. I’m not a workaholic — at least, nothing like I was when I was younger. I know what that looks like, and feels like, and I am nowhere near where I was in my late 20’s, early 30’s with that. But, I do like being in on the action, making a difference, helping others, and being part of a team at work. The team I’m on right now is pretty special.

A young lady I used to work with years ago, and whom I’ve been mentoring for the past six months or so, had been looking for an opportunity to do more than what her regular job calls for. She went back to college and got a masters in strategic communication, and wants to put some of those newly acquired skills to good use.

When I started on this assignment, I could see there would be plenty of work for someone motivated who wanted to make a difference. I thought of her, and she has really taken to the work we’re doing. She was a big part of making sure the meeting I missed this week went off without completely flying off the rails. Other than technology issues that would have been there, with or without me, it was actually quite successful.

But, better than that was her reaction to the experience. She expressed her gratitude at being able to contribute to such a positive experience, and reflected the tremendously positive energy she gets from our team.

In an e-mail she said, “You need to take care of your health first. What you are doing each day over there is making a difference -the entire team is the most excellent team I have witnessed in my government years. I haven’t seen so much positive passion from a group of people. You guys continue to motivate me to want to do my best.

“Here is a true story: after hearing Joe speak at that first meeting and listening to the excitement from both you and K, and the warmth I see and feel from the others on the team, I have started smiling and speaking to each and every person that I see, both on and off the job. Because of my shy nature, I often just pass folks by and say nothing unless spoken to; but now, I make it my business to speak if folks are not already engaged in conversation with others. To experience warmth from a smile or greeting can actually make one’s day. That is a testament to the Office of Customer Experience from me, so kudos to you all.”

That said it all. That’s the environment I get to work in, every day. All the stress I talked about earlier in the week? That was all in my head — literally. Because I was suffering the vertigo, and now I know, an inner ear infection, I was more susceptible to the stresses that I normally can manage relatively easily. Now, I can’t wait to be back on my feet, and in there, making a difference.



Hawkeye Pete Egan B.
The Story Hall

Connecting the dots. Storytelling helps me to make sense of this world, and of my life. I love writing and reading. Writing is like breathing, for me.