One step at a time

Peace LJA
2 min readMar 17, 2017


I’ve been mulling over what I would like my first blog post here to be. Although I’ve known that I want to start with a beginning I wasn’t sure what I would say. Would anyone even listen? I said that to my friend and he reminded me that all I really need is that spark, that idea that I need to get out there; that was enough.

I think I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not sure I care if anyone reads this. I mean, I hope eventually someone does but mostly I’m writing these posts for myself. It’s something to keep me in check, find balance, centre myself, and basically work some things out of my system.

I found the quote in the above picture really fitting. You will never be anywhere different than where you are today if you don’t start somewhere. Even with the tiniest of steps.

My life has been pretty easy thus far. I’ve been thrown some curve balls but nothing that I haven’t grown from. I am currently struggling to grow from my last ordeal but I’m getting there. Progress is slow and I have to keep reminding myself that I’m only human. I have to take it one step at a time. Remember to breathe.

I hope that if you are reading this, you find the courage to take that first step (or the next step) to deal with a situation that you may be going through. Perhaps it was fate that you found this post. Perhaps you need some courage to take that first step. I have some extra. Please take some from me. Lean on me and who knows, someday I may need to lean on you.

I truly wish you all the best. I hope this little corner of the universe helps you.

Peace, Love, Joy, and Abundance xoxo

