Pink Moon — “But it’s Not Pink!”

Hawkeye Pete Egan B.
The Story Hall
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2017
Photo by me, last night, Full Pink Moon
Image by Getty

I had stopped at the local Giant to replenish our apple supply and to get Kathy some sparkling waters, on my way home from the meeting. It was my regular Tuesday night meeting, that I had missed for the past month. For a couple weeks there were hockey games on Tuesday night, then I was in Minneapolis a couple weeks ago, and I was sick last Tuesday. It was great to be back there. It’s one of my favorite meetings.

Back to the Giant, I had parked way out in the parking lot, a little trick I picked up a while ago, when I started counting my steps. I’m always looking for opportunities to walk more, so I always park as far away as I can when I go to the store, or wherever I go, to help with my step count. This time, it really paid off. I had forgotten that last night was a full moon, the Pink Fool Moon, named thus by American Indians for the pink flowers (phlox) that would bloom in April.

Moon over Cape May, N.J.

As I was putting my cart back in the cart rack, the Giant dude who gathers up carts thanked me, then said, as I was walking back to my car, “Did you see the moon?”, as he pointed up to the large orb hovering high above the super market, in the nighttime sky. It was a distinct yellowish-orange in color. I said, “Oh, yeah — the pink moon! Thanks for reminding me.” I hadn’t looked up to notice the moon yet that evening — I’d completely forgotten all about it.

“It’s not pink — more like yellow,”, he said. I explained to him why they call it the Pink Full Moon. “But it’s not pink.” Right, right, I thanked him again for pointing the moon out to me, and left, grateful for the night, the full moon, a full life, and another day of freedom.

I relish it.

The full moon brings with it an energy shift. Yes, the crazies get crazier, but the shift brings out the depth of life, and it’s a good time to tune in to your spirit, and listen to your intuition. I actually think it’s always a good time to do that, but in full moon times, it’s even easier to do.

I took a few pictures of the pink full moon with my Iphone. While it takes some good pictures in the clear daylight, it doesn’t pick up the moon all that well. I liked these two shots, though. These others were borrowed from public places on the internet. I like them even better!



Hawkeye Pete Egan B.
The Story Hall

Connecting the dots. Storytelling helps me to make sense of this world, and of my life. I love writing and reading. Writing is like breathing, for me.