Playground X — Midnight Sketchbook: Color

Susan G Holland
The Story Hall
Published in
1 min readSep 18, 2017


Mixed Messages, left — Unfinished skrim design, right ©SGH 2017

Pages 26 and 27 happened in dark of night last night. I got to thinking about Kandinsky’s color patches and just went into a similar experiment, but without the same schematic. Strong color is moving. Pastels deliver surprisingly strong color. Mixed with water, the pigments run, some of them.
And the mixtures are delectable. Or awful!

The little gel pen is fun for poking into corners with.

So this is my play for the day yesterday, and today’s digitally enhanced version, below.

Mixed Messages with digital enhancement ©SGHolland 2017

Playfully, Susan Holland

ADDENDUM Sept 19 — progress on page 27 — working title The Perplexing Balloon and Telephone Booth. Mixed media on tarleton adhered to sketchbook page.



Susan G Holland
The Story Hall

Student of life; curious always. Tyler School of Fine Art, and a couple of years’ worth of computer coding and design, plus 87 years of discovery.