Regally making room for emotions


Kirstin Vanlierde
The Story Hall
1 min readApr 18, 2022


make room//take up room

If we want to embody and embrace our emotions as an integral part of ouselves, we have a thing or two to learn from the King of Cups. The King teaches us not to drown or drowse in this immense element, but to rise above it if needed, to love it but also be able to surpass it.
The King of Cups is kind, caring, gentle, intelligent and uses his emotions as a quiet yet powerful driving force to propel himself forward.

Cups rule the realm of the fluid, the emotional. Emotions can be something like plants, decorations or furniture during a spring cleaning: it’s no good trying to bring in a lot of new and fresh stuff if the old hasn’t been cleared out first. Whether it be your inner emotional space or your living room, this is a good time to let go of what might be taking up too much space, in order to make room for new beginnings looking for a home to take hold and flourish.

Have a nice week!

#tarot #animamunditarot #kingofcups #bekerskoning #makeroomtakeuproom #sharongal #sharongaletudes



Kirstin Vanlierde
The Story Hall

Walker between worlds, writer, artist, weaver of magic