Jeff Bailey
The Story Hall
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2018

What lies in wait, next in line, just beneath my active mind? I can feel it, but, I have to straighten up the barn and get rid of more stuff, by putting it into boxes, which there are many, and taking all those boxes full, to the dump, letting someone else pick through my trash for their treasure.

The barn’s disorganization is equal to my reluctance to acknowledge buried emotions; my subconscious mind helped me beyond that resistance this morning by symbolizing a message via a dream.

Larissa and I stood on a landing in a stairwell in an older style home. She was wearing a blouse and pants, which she never wears, and I see the dream through my eye’s rather than witnessing it. I drew a baby carriage up the last few steps before taking the baby out.

The baby’s head wobbled and needed support, I then realized it was a newborn. I looked into its eye’s, dull, white, and pupil-less. Larissa spoke, and their expression changed from a cold, lifeless stare that I perceived to a glowing, bright-eyed bundle of joy.

Early this morning I fell asleep after meditation. I dreamt of a labyrinth of subterranean halls. I led a group of people through these hidden pathways, at times the direction is clear as an arrow at an intersection at other times my turns were purely intuitive. I felt a strong sense of freedom and purpose.

The resistance I felt recently lifted, and a willingness to engage has returned.

Jeff Bailey @ 2018

