SAPLING #56 — A tale from the past

Kirstin Vanlierde
The Story Hall
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2019

Time rarely travels in a straight line and I dive into it
at the intersection point, unsuspecting, exactly there
where your gaze stumbles across what it remembers.
For this is the multi-layered nature of reality

in which even light is a tale from the past. Fortunately
you can’t lose your way in an expanding universe
as every turn can be retraced to a core. We keep
telling each other the same dear illusion and call it

the story, for want of something better.
Old mistakes, however, can’t simply be read
between the lines, not unlike youthful follies
or attempts to hide desire. I see but traces,

drawn with a seemingly steady hand, of what
came before. Without words we revolve
around them, patiently weaving the layers
of the ever widening spiral of our lives.

© Jurgen Walschot

The SAPLING series is a joint project with artist and illustrator Jurgen Walschot.
Saplings are creative sprouts. I will write to the images, he will draw to the words.



Kirstin Vanlierde
The Story Hall

Walker between worlds, writer, artist, weaver of magic