
Kirstin Vanlierde
The Story Hall
Published in
3 min readApr 7, 2018

in the universe
is resonance.

© KV

Every wave or particle, every atom or solar system, every bit of our planet and its multiple ecosystems, is built from energy and resonance.
Quantum physicists will tell you if the vibration is dense enough, energy will appear solid.

‘Solid’ is our usual level of operation, the layer where our everyday lives take place. But in truth we are nothing more than vibrating star dust, taking on one shape or another for the briefest of times, before falling apart again and rejoining something much greater.

© KV

There is no fathoming the vastness of connections in this intricate web. We are simply incapable of grasping its true dimensions, much like an ant cannot fathom the size of the planet. Some things are just beyond us.

But we needn’t feel lost, simply because our minds or emotions are too limited to take in the immense scope of whatever it is that is sustaining us. The ant isn’t useless or meaningless. I like to believe it is living a life worth living, doing what it is meant to do, one more tiny fragment of a much bigger whole.

Of course human beings have free will, which we believe (probably correctly) the ant does not. But even as free will might help us become more conscious of our decisions and our actions, it does not dismiss us from our connection to the greater scheme of things.

I like to believe we can — or should — combine both: a deep connectedness to Source, and a unique consciousness to become aware of that connectedness like no other species ever has before.

And we should use our knowledge wisely.

© KV

Don’t worry.
There’s no need to start studying quantum-, meta- or any other kind of physics if you are triggered by the above.
The most common area of resonance is human connection.

Allowing yourself to flow freely.
Recognizing the other, perhaps without quite understanding how or why.
Meeting halfway.
Feeling the current swell.

What are we but stardust shimmering in the same stream, with nothing but our hearts to guide us, and to help us remember how we are — deeply, intrinsically — one and the same?

© KV



Kirstin Vanlierde
The Story Hall

Walker between worlds, writer, artist, weaver of magic