Shi’th- o- le, a new word for our lexicon.

Susan G Holland
The Story Hall
Published in
1 min readJan 13, 2018

Such careless words are spoken

SGHolland Jan 2018

Or shi hi tho lay?

There’s a new place called Shi’th-o-le
I think they make a germ, E-co-le(?)
But since I’ve not been there befo-re
I cannot prove it, though, for su-re.

I think it’s a kind of warm-ish place
Near water and with lots of space
For storms to breed and gather pace
To flood or flatten or near erase.

But vain folks go there, just to see
How others find an isle at sea
A place to sleep and eat and see;
A place to care and love and be.

I heard it’s dark and quite exotic
Its human history vague , quixotic;
But — can I assume they’re all neurotic
or is it from a rule despotic?

How does a person learn to fear them,
To not get near them,
hope to disappear them,
And verbally smear them?

Words break bones as sure as stones.
Rejection starts with the proud.

Pride births bias — hate so snide
Pride reeks as much as it divides.

A little poem for the moment. SGHolland ©2018



Susan G Holland
The Story Hall

Student of life; curious always. Tyler School of Fine Art, and a couple of years’ worth of computer coding and design, plus 87 years of discovery. Now in WA