Texting is the Worst Thing to Happen to Relationship Communication

Because can’t nobody read you right

Janet M Early
The Story Hall


Photo by Jae Park on Unsplash

You’re going through something with your partner. A disagreement, perhaps. Maybe your partner did something that hurt you. Possibly, you’re questioning your compatibility or the future of your relationship. Whatever the circumstances, there is a specific issue on your mind. And you’re wondering how you should bring it up.

To text or not to text…that is the question.

And the answer is not to text. The answer is a straight up no, don’t do it, rethink your choices. At least when it comes to weighty relationship issues that are better dealt with in person.

Texting your partner about a relationship issue is appealing.

  • It requires no face-to-face confrontation. In-person expression of emotion can be intimidating.
  • It’s immediate. Sometimes stuff hits your mind and you feel an impulsive urge to express your thoughts, rather than waiting until you and your partner can talk face-to-face.
  • There’s no going back. Once you put it out there, it’s out there. For better or for worse, at least the topic isn’t something you two can overlook anymore. It’s now an issue.

