The Story Hall

A gathering place for stories to be told, read and appreciated.

The Critical Hollowness Factor *


Today’s Realization

SGH 2018 Dec 23

Without a hole, it would not really be a vessel.

Without a hollow it would not really be a cup.

One cannot gift an unopen hand.

Without want there is no fulfillment.

Water made solid is no longer water at all.

A bubble cannot be solid and still remain a bubble.

We cannot be perfect or we would not be alive.

If we were perfectly complete, there would be no breathing out or breathing in!

Being alive requires room for Other.

If I am totally complete, I need nothing and nobody.

If I am totally complete, Other is locked out.

If I am totally complete, I cannot add or subtract from anything.

There is no room for smugness in perfection.

There is no room for pride or glory. Nor is there room for shame or regret.
When we have become impervious, we have nothing — nothing!

When we are filled all the way up, there is no room for Other.

Are we hard round little bb’s in a cartridge of buckshot? Useful only as ammunition, shot by a stranger? Ball bearings? For a bead of lead there is no reward or shame and no blessing.

Inert, still, powerless in itself, speechless, mindless, dreamless, it has no soul.

We have no more soul when we become calcified — become solid and inert, summarily locked up and secure from everything and everybody else.

Keep a hollow — preserve the room into which to invite the waters and air and breath and spirit of vitality! Allow intake and out-flow! Give thanks for the room to grow and learn and discover and receive! The hollow we honor and refill is not a deficiency — — it is the doorway of intake and out flow! The stuff of being alive!

SGHolland ©2018

* — of interest: On hollowness versus solidity in science says

“Most of the strength of a cylinder comes from the outer portions. I think the contribution goes like the cube of the radial position. So, if you took a solid rod and drilled out a half the volume from the center, you do not lose half the strength. Strength to weight ratio is better for a hollow pipe than a solid rod.”

for those who want to follow the logic, I suggest following the links —
I am not a scientist, nor can I decipher the formulas given. I found the above and the quote below on this page.

This means a hollow cylinder is stronger than a rod of equal mass and the same material. A hollow cylinder with a bigger inside diameter is better. In the limit x→1x→1the hollow cylinder is twice as strong. Note that this limit isn’t physically viable as it would be an cylinder with infinite radius and infinitesimally thin wall. However it is useful to define the upper limit of the second moment of inertia. I didn’t expect the increase in strength only a factor of two.



The Story Hall
The Story Hall

Published in The Story Hall

A gathering place for stories to be told, read and appreciated.

Susan G Holland
Susan G Holland

Written by Susan G Holland

Student of life; curious always. Tyler School of Fine Art, and a couple of years’ worth of computer coding and design, plus 87 years of discovery. Now in WA

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