The dreams that come true.

Pavane Mann
The Story Hall
Published in
3 min readMar 19, 2017

I wonder if it even sounds right to say this? All my life my dreams have come true — in some form. I remember awaking one morning in the camp that I had on the banks of the Ganga thinking — this is one of my dreams — a home with mountains and the sea. I was on my honey moon in the Andaman islands when I that dream materialised, and I hung onto it subsequently when life became rather humdrum. However, like I said, in some form that dream was here. It was not the sea but the grandest river in the world and it was a camp, not a permanent structure, however my home for more than 20 years. I woke to the sight of a pristine white beach, the river and the mountains with golden mist hiding in the valleys. Dreamy. Yet while in that camp (which I loved and enjoyed whole heartedly) I sometimes thought I would like a proper home in the mountains by the water again.

I sit here today in this huge house, the stream gushes outside and provides us with pristine water. The house is what I would term a folly, it looks like a bad copy of the white house, completely out of context in it’s high mountain surroundings. It was built by a Rinpoche ( A high buddhist teacher) as an advanced learning center for young monks, on blessed ground with the principles of buddhism and fengshui — amazing energy within and without.

How did I get here? I have a crazy, beautiful family! My brother, bought this property off the Rinpoche and let it lie. The little mountain town had grown too close, there was not enough learning of the right kind able to happen here anymore, the Rinpoche needed to move, my brother loved the place but did not know what he might do with it. Some months ago I happened to mention that I would like a place to grow pretty flowers and organic vegetables, a place to write stories, make pot pourri like my grandmother did. A place where I can knit hot water bottle covers and people will enjoy warm toes.

My brother said, ‘do it, I have just the place’. Here I am, doing it, in just the place. The neighbours call it ‘The Lama House’, so do we. It’s a beautiful space, with astounding views and amazing energy.

That I have been snowed in, dis electrified and un watered are some of the disadvantages of getting this place up and running.

That I sat on the front steps in the snow with carpenters, plumbers and myriad workers trekking muddy, wet feet over the wonderful parquet floors and wept, also happened.

That it will be up and running and amazing in very short order is a given.

That all my friends from far and near will want to visit — I hope.

That I have an amazing neighbour who provides fresh milk and eggs, plus looks after the apple trees is a blessing. Doubling it is the fact that he pops up every morning and plants, kiwis, gladioli, cherry trees, apricot trees, daffodils and irises. Promises to help with my vegetable garden, suggest exactly how the compost pit must be and in all is a store house of all the knowledge that I need.

That there are old, rose bushes with an amazing scent begs the pot pourri sachets.

That a little tibetan mastiff puppy decided he liked my lap and home is a happy warmth.

That the snow is melting and the apple blossom will soon bloom is a whisper.

That I have had no time to write is something that will change. That dreams come true is a given.

Originally published at on March 19, 2017.



Pavane Mann
The Story Hall

Wandering is what I have done best, which introduced me to people, places, experiences, adventures and great learning .