The Hero’s Journey

The Story Hall
Published in
2 min readApr 28, 2021
Photo by Ricardo Rocha on Unsplash

First there is perfection
Life set in wonderful ways
and then there is a conflict
shaking down to the roots
And so shall it be
the start, of a Hero’s journey

I have read this formula
so many times in theory
In the stories that surround us
There is a segmented version
The male and the female
who journey in various ways

And here is where
the stereotypes get interesting
The male journey, in true bravado
seeks external allies and help
Forges alliances, fights wars
until the enemy is vanquished

The female however
Seeks to go into the depths
of her own soul, the diaries
with a lock and key
the lock shaped like a heart
Shackles of her own making

It is so fascinating to note
how predictable human nature is
When perfection is broken
we are so tuned to react
in certain ways, clinging
to our own flaws

And that made me wonder
what it would take
For the boundaries to intersect
for the Yin and the Yang
to embrace one another with
blurring of conventional labels

For the feminine mind to realize
hopefully before it is too late
that the fetters don’t exist
and are imaginings of the mind
For the masculine ego to learn
to pause and introspect

Maybe it’s already happening
Isn’t that what we do as women
when power, decisions, accolades lie
in the chamber of kings
Where leadership lessons is really about
thriving in a man’s world

When we teach ourselves to react
to crisis like a man would
Feigning machismo, slaying dragons
while in our depths, we wonder
Which one of these golden keys
would unlock the misgivings of our hearts?



The Story Hall

“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious”