The Other Point of View II by Connie Livingston-Dunn

Some people’s lawns

Are neat and tidy with grass

Standing up straight and conforming,

Hup — 2–3–4. Hup — 2–3–4.

Sometimes pesticides are used

To keep it tidy and conforming.

Other lawns are diverse and untidy

With tiny plants and herbs

Growing in harmony

Next door to each other.

No pesticides are used

And butterflies and bees

Are frequent visitors.

Mother Nature is messy and creative,

Full of chaos and order,

In harmony with herself.

Our mission is to live in resonance

Within ourselves,

Within Mother Nature and all her creations,

Extending throughout eternal time and space,


One song, one dance, one being.

Mother Nature ‘owns’ Earth,

We are just caregivers

Who are here for our short time on Earth

Renting a small piece of it from future generations.

Be prepared

For wonderful surprises

And cosmic humor.

Photos were taken on the piece of land that I have rented from Mother Nature and future generations for nearly 30 years.

Gregg Schlanger is an environmental artist friend of mine and one of his pieces is ‘The Perfect Lawn’. You can see it here,

Originally the front yard was a garden where you grew your meals. As we became wealthier, the garden disappeared and the front lawn took its place. Now we use our precious natural resources* to mow it and water it and spray it and train it to be a proper looking lawn. What will the neighbors’ say if we don’t do that? Only your ego cares, your Essence doesn’t care what they think, so get a goat. Woodrow Wilson had sheep on the White House lawn when he was president.

*Mother Nature’s natural resources, that we borrow from the future and are being bled dry and changing her/our climate.

Originally published at and adapted for Medium.

