The Uber Chronicles — Episode 7 — The Almighty will make things Alright!!

Rakesh Gambhir
The Story Hall
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2020


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

The car veered off the icy road and continued sliding. As the vehicle approached the guardrail, the young lady at the wheel calmly steered the car back to the road. The event took all of two seconds while I braced for an impact. It was NOT a near-death experience, and no, my whole life didn’t flash before my eyes in that instant. But my grip on the Pizza box tightened. There were still two slices left, and I was not letting them go.

Impressive recovery, I thought but kept my mouth shut.

It was late in the evening. The ice on the road sparkled like confetti on the brightly lit freeway. The patchy fog hung the skies with a blanket of grey and added another element of risk to the treacherous roads. The Uber driver ignored all the warning signs and snaked her way down Route 315, weaving in and out of lanes at will, occasionally ignoring a few laws of physics. You can also picture me sitting in the back seat holding a large Pizza box with both hands. Considering the driving, that’s quite a balancing act.

Two minutes down the line, the skid happened again. The car veered, the driver waited calmly, and at the last instant, took control of the vehicle.

“Can’t you just focus on the driving?” I squeaked, trying not to sound fearful.

