The Uber Chronicles — Episode 5 — Could this be Love?

Rakesh Gambhir
The Story Hall
Published in
3 min readApr 5, 2020

“What are your hours?”
‘I normally drive from 8 to 5.” Edmundo said. “And then head over to my girlfriend’s house.
“Play with my baby boy, cook with my girlfriend, and spend some time together.” He continued. “I am a lucky guy.”
“That sounds cool,” I said encouragingly. “And then back to work tomorrow, huh?”
“Nah, My wife wanted me to take her to the mall tomorrow.” Edmundo looked around before making the turn. “She hardly takes a day off.”
“You mean your girlfriend.”
“No, my wife.”
Silence while I tried to sort this through.

“Does your wife know about your girlfriend?”
“No way. She will be devastated. Can’t do that.”
“Does your girlfriend know about your wife?”
“No, man. Can’t hurt her feelings. She is the mother of my child.”
“I see,” I said a little half-seriously. “You don’t want to hurt any of the two — your wife and girlfriend.”

Photo by Shelby Deeter on Unsplash

Me and my wife, we used to live in the same neighborhood. We Went to the same church. Dated briefly. Then she came to America while I stayed back doing my thing. And when mayhem broke in Venezuela, we are all desperate. The government broke down, cartels all around. I was not making any money. Going hungry for days.

You know what happened in Venezuela, right?

And then somehow we got in touch, and she got me here.

My wife works long hours at the hospital to support us. Very patient, very noble. I will always be grateful to her. She saved my life.

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

And Jamie, when I first saw her, it’s like I heard a new melody. When I finish driving and go to her apartment, it’s like therapy, man. That pretty thing sits cross-legged across me with the baby in her arms and listens to all the stuff I have to say.

And then we walk to the park, and we swoop like birds floating on hot air.

And we walk back holding hands, not saying a word, occasionally looking into each other’s eyes. It’s magical, man.

OK, I get it.

The girlfriend has a name, and the wife doesn’t. The girlfriend is Kim Kardashian, and Julia Roberts rolled into one neat package, and the wife is Mother Teresa. And it’s all matter of fact when talking about the wife, but poetry springs forth from Edmundo when Jamie comes up in discussion.

There was nothing profound in what Edmundo said. But I couldn’t question his love for both women — one love born out of gratitude and the other being pure passion. Edmundo had a very uncomplicated view of what love is and its many variations. He was grateful to his wife for rescuing him, but the girlfriend provided the magical spark.

There was no deceit here. At least in Edmundo’s head.

Of course, he didn’t want to hurt any of them:-)

“Alright, Boss.” I smiled, getting out of the Uber. “Best of luck with your situation.”

“What situation?” Edmundo flashed his teeth and drove off.

** All names are fictional

