This Too

Soulez Chille
The Story Hall
Published in
2 min readApr 19, 2020

Yesterday, I took a two hour ride to pick up two new nucs of bees. Mr. Bear visited last October and well, I hope he had enough protein to survive his winter. I had ordered the new bees back in January and earlier in the week, received notice that the scheduled pick up would take place, with the requirement of wearing a mask, and only allowing access to the hatchback for loading, not getting out of the car if possible. Finally, something not corona-cancelled!

The ride took me into the valleys and hills of north central Pennsylvania, and as usual I took the roads less traveled, making it more enjoyable. After a spring evening snowfall, plowable in the area of my destination, I weaved my Soul (as in KIA) through the winding valley roads and up hemlock covered hills, dodging falling or fallen snow laden branches. All this aided in keeping my mind focused, yet empty of thoughts of the day, as I absorbed the natural beauty which shouted loud and clear, “it’s all still here, just for you, breathe in, breathe out.” As always, I obeyed for the four hour round trip.

This morning I awoke to find social media reminding me of something I wrote in 2010. I sit, embracing a cup of hot, honey sweetened tea in the palms of my hand, loving the synchronicity of living.

Frosty spring mornings are winter’s reminder that it is not far behind for now,
and soon will not be that far off in months to come.
But spring does us the same favor in the midst of winter.
So it is with history, with wars, with pandemics,
This too shall…….and then again, and again, and……

