

A 100-word Micro-fiction written for the prompt *Forgiveness*

The Story Hall


Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

“Mamma, thorn pricked my sole. It hurts.”

“Oh my darling, that’s sad. Next time when you walk, be careful Anna.”

“Mamma, it was not my fault.”

“Oh my baby! Thorn doesn’t prick on its own unless you stomp on it.”

“But it came my way.”

“My child. Why can’t it be,YOU ran down its way?”

“Mamma! Are you accusing me?”

“Oh dear! If I don’t point out your mistake now, you may hurt yourself all your life. Accept your mistake, feel sorry and be forgiving Anna.”

“Alright! Mamma.”

“Sorry, it was my mistake. Forgive me, my dear thorn. Won’t you?”




The Story Hall

A creative neuro-scientist, fascinated by the world of fiction and ageing neuroscience. Email @