Trusting the Universe

Energy, frequency, law of cause & effect, what’s the relation?

Ankit Nagar
The Story Hall
7 min readNov 4, 2019


Have you ever heard someone say, trust the universe? Trust the path you are on, do not question it, just keep doing you and things will work out?

If so, do you trust it?

Every day?

That everything will work out the very best it can.

Well, to be very frank, I do.

I trust that any current situation, whether great or gloomy, happy or sad, will always keep changing and morphing. Nothing will stay the same.


The only single element that stays the same throughout, is you and yourself.

But eventually, things will work in my favour.

I’m going to try to make this article as short and concise and possible because if I dive into every single topic that I mention below, it will be a really long 2–3 articles to explain every detail.

Before I carry on, let me make it perfectly clear that even when we trust in the energy of the universe and trust that every situation will work out, unless you send out those positive vibrations, positive energy and do good in terms of all your actions, the universe will not give back as you would expect it to.

It is not blind faith, it is not having hope, it is not having expectations of any kind.

Think of it as a beautiful give and receive situation. You put out good with your deeds and energy, and it will come back to you.

How though?

Everything in this universe is guided by the 12 fundamental laws of the universe. These laws help shape the reality that you see around yourself.

Amongst these laws, is one which is called The Law of Cause and Effect. Which essentially states that for every effect there is a definite cause and for every cause, there is an effect. There is no such thing as chance.

The famous French philosopher, Voltaire, had once stated that:

words like luck, chance and coincidence were invented to express the known effects of the unknown causes.

Basically every single scenario that plays out in life has a very distinct cause that has led up to it, one might be aware of it, or completely unaware, but this is how our everyday life functions.

Another way of understanding this is, basically, whatever you put out into the universe will come back around, like a boomerang. It will not happen instantly all the time for certain, but it will.

Various successful people and different religious texts point to their own version of this law. Something you might have heard of would be the classic, what you reap, is what you sow.

So if one emits positive energy by thinking positive and indulging in positive deeds, the law of cause and effect dictates that you shall get back the same energy over time. And vice versa in terms of a negative outlook.

And this law, when understood and worked on, can lead to manifesting a beautiful and better life for yourself.

Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics. — Darryl Anka

Everything in this world functions on energy, including humans. Our brain and body are constantly sending and receiving signals which contain information. Our DNA emits these things called biophotons which are a highly coherent form of energy which is able to process communication between our cells and an external energy field.

The mechanistic model of the universe relies on molecular reactions to explain the functioning of the human body. Now, these biophoton emissions respond to the information being received and this very information is processed by our cells, which therein make the necessary adjustments.

Now it is common knowledge that all energy has a certain frequency. And frequency, no matter high or low, contains information.

According to Dr Joe Dispenza, who is one of the world’s leading researchers in neuroscience and quantum physics, modern technology has now reached a stage where it proves that everything, in reality, is vibrating at a certain frequency.

Dr Dispenza states that your thoughts have an electrical charge whereas your feelings have a magnetic charge. Which indicates that a person’s thoughts and feelings broadcast a unique energetic signature which attracts those broadcasting the same energy and rejecting those that do not match to the same.

Think about that for a minute. It’s been scientifically proven that our thoughts and feelings have an energy signal, which helps in vibrating at a certain frequency. This frequency attracts more of the same and rejects what is not.

So you can literally programme your brain to be in a frequency state that is actually beneficial for you. The best frequency states are those of gratitude and receiving.

When you are able to have that sort of an outlook towards life, where you are grateful for what you have, you are in a receiving state. Gratitude means you’re getting something. When you get something of value, you say ‘thank you.’

Essentially, at that moment, you are in a receiving state. And gratitude is the ultimate state of receiving. So when you are in such a state, you are able to vibrate at a much higher frequency than when your mind is filled with negative thoughts such as anger, fear, hatred etc.

When you break free from looking at things in a negative way and your outlook is positive itself, you are programming your mind and body to be open to receiving more positive outcomes.

And the best way to get to this state is by meditating. What you do is simple, for 10 minutes a day, shut your eyes, control and slow down your breath. This way you are consciously taking control of your breathing pattern. When you do this, you are bringing yourself back into the present moment. Simultaneously, start becoming aware of your surroundings, listen to every sound, feel the energy around you, inside you. The act of opening your awareness reduces the stress hormones in play and is able to then create more coherent brain wave states. During the process, find five things about your life that you are grateful for, genuinely. This is what helps you achieve the receiving state that I’m referring to. Take my word, practice it genuinely, every day for five days and notice the change yourself.

When you are in a receiving state, you do not look at thoughts and feelings that are detrimental to your mind and body’s coherence. You are now open to receive more because you are more grateful for what is currently present in your life.

You are utilizing your own energy to garner results that are favourable to you. You are putting out positive energy into the universe and are now open to receiving only those positive returns.

All of this, in my opinion, comes down to subjectivity. When one is in a state where they are focussing on the wrongs and negatives, their body is now flight mode.

The human instinct of survival comes into play and your mind then is only focussing on threats and dangers which can or might affect you. When one enters such a state, they can only focus on limited things and are not open to receiving anything.

Even if the best opportunity in the world, something you’ve been waiting for all your life comes your way, you will not identify it to be what it actually is in reality.

Whereas when you are experiencing gratitude and are in a receiving state, your mind is now programmed to be aware of the scenarios which will help fuel your positivity further. It shall help you be in a constant state of gratitude, which will then affect your general outlook on life.

Because that is when you will be able to focus on gratefulness, thankfulness, generosity etc.

People only accept, believe and surrender to the thoughts equal to their emotional state. Then every thought with a positive emotional state will surge right through your entire body.

You are literally reprogramming your brain to be open to only positive vibrational states.

States that benefit you.

And that is where everything comes together.

When you put out positivity and gratitude into the universe, you are opening up your mind to be in a receiving state that is now looking only for those frequency states that are going to help you receive what you had put out in the first place.

And when something positive actually comes back to you, is when you can say that the universe has played its part, the law of cause and effect is valid, and it all makes sense now.

And that is trusting the universe.

What goes around, comes around.

What you reap is what you sow.

You get what you give.

You only get out of it what you put into it.

Call it whatever you want, but this is basically how our world works.

So in a way, the saying ‘You are Limitless’, stands true here, because if you can tap into this way of functioning, you can extract the best out of every situation, lead a happy life filled with gratitude and at the same time, shower this world with more and more positivity.

