Weight of Time

Abhishek Negi
The Story Hall
Published in
Jun 13, 2021
Photo by alexey demidov on Unsplash

There is not
An unlearning
Of the loss,
Failed expectations,
The gouging sins,
or unmeant truths.
But just a walk
That need to endure
Albeit steps
in sands and storms.

There is not
a riddance
Form disappearing faces,
Fading voices,
or burning tears
That freeze inside the dull frames
And the soft wind chimes.
Oozing aches in wake of
Each sweet wind.
But the weight of the remembrance
Is not to lose.

Sins erect in dark
As soil unearths the truths,
As Edifice of expectations fail,
And rubble the halls
Once hallowed with pristine marbles
To glistening sharp edges.
Yet the bones must survive the
cuts and cracks,
The dreams must survive the
shatters and wrecks.

Step after step
To live the meaning.



Abhishek Negi
The Story Hall

Just a human trying to figure things out in this mess called life.