You, Talkin’ to Me

Jeff Bailey
The Story Hall
Published in
2 min readMay 6, 2017

(Better said by Travis Bickle)

Jeff Bailey © 2017

I suspect there is more to life than what western culture has spoon fed me to believe. Classifying everything not sanctioned by the church or the State as belonging to fiction is purposeful and childishly underestimates the tenacity of the spirit.

Why do I tell such a blasphemous story? I believe the language of nature is decipherable. When spirit speaks to me, my life experience is the vernacular. My conversation with Spirit occurs in different ways, such as, when I intuit an action or an event yet to happen or something tactile triggers a memory which is followed by a sudden insight. Do not dismiss the incidental; coincidence is more than two random events unexplainably occurring at the same time.

Is that agency directly of which I speak, energy, a medium per se’ whereby the spirit invisible and the tangible create a connection? My five sense tell me it is visible while my heart knows it is unseen. Nature’s language takes more than intellect to understand. It requires the participation of all five senses, the emotions, mind and that abstract sense of me. In speaking the language of nature, the mind does not preside as judge and jury, rather, it cooperates with all our faculties. Learning the language of nature teaches us how to manage our lives.

Fluency in communicating with ourselves allows our lives to exist outside the constructs of greed and power, thereby, restoring sanity and balance. It is a bitter pill to swallow but consider for a moment that all we have learned is purposefully designed to inhibit self-exploration. The evidence is overwhelming, and our predicament is evident to see.

The fruit from the tree of knowledge liberates the knower rather than poisoning them. The fruit is a metaphor for knowing oneself. Knowledge of oneself dissolves ignorance. The ignorance of oneself shackles the knower to the will of something unseen and dark. What is the purpose of ignorance? Why would we prefer ignorance to enlightenment? The better question is, what master does ignorance serve and to what end?

