5 Cultures That Still Practice Nudity

Cultures that still go naked

Belinda Mallasasime
The Story in History


Some Zoe Tribe people with Albert April (Photo credit: Albert April — Edited by author)

The Zo’é Tribe of Brazil

The Zo’é tribe is a small ethnic group that resides in the Amazon rainforest — an area crossed by the Erepecuru and the Cuminapanema rivers in Northern Pará, in Brazil. The tribe had been void of any sort of contact with the outside world until 1987 when they were visited by missionaries. The Zo’é people are so isolated that it even reflects in their name Zo’é; meaning “Us”. The tribe is mostly known to wear just a wooden plug piercing on their bottom lip.

The Koma Tribe of Nigeria

The Koma tribe is the ethnic group of mountain dwellers residing in Adamawa state, northern Nigeria. Some of their villages share a border with the neighboring country Cameroon and have for many years been obscure until some time in 1986 when a corps member discovered the tribe. The people of this primitive tribe are mostly into farming and are unilineal as their sons inherit their father's properties while daughters, their mothers. For many years, the Koma tribe has adamantly refused to give into civilization, rather they've held on strongly to their traditions. The tribe is so primitive that not only do they wear leaves and animal skins, they even kill all twins in their tribe by burying them alive — alongside the mother.



Belinda Mallasasime
The Story in History

Psychologist/ Top Writer, Lover of GOD and People. I write mostly on History, Travel, Leadership, and Culture. My religion is Love.