The Culture that Disfigured the Faces of Women in Ethiopia

The lip plate culture as a symbol of beauty and economic importance

Belinda Mallasasime
The Story in History


The girl with the largest lip in the world ( Photo credit: Daily Mail)

The labret has been around since 3300 B.C. It is a custom practiced by people in Ethiopia, Sudan, and other places in the world like Coastal Ecuador (500 BC). It even spread to Mesoamerica (1500 BC). However, it is most popular amongst the Mursi and the Surma people of Ethiopia as it is now a distinguishing factor for their identification.

The lip plate is a labret culture that involves an intentional alteration or deformation of the lip, to insert a plate-like object into either the upper or lower lip, sometimes both. The plate is usually made of either clay or wood.

The Process of the Lip Plate

In places where the lip plate is common, body modification is usually carried out on females, as it is believed by many to be a symbol of beauty. Still, in a few other places, it is done for both sexes.

When a girl reaches the age of puberty, about 12 months before marriage, she undergoes lip plate transformation. The procedure is usually done by her mother. The mother begins by removing about four of the girl’s teeth to make room for the plate before she goes ahead to cut the lower lip. The lip is later stretched out with…



Belinda Mallasasime
The Story in History

Psychologist/ Top Writer, Lover of GOD and People. I write mostly on History, Travel, Leadership, and Culture. My religion is Love.