The Culture That Throws Babies From a 30 feet Building

The Villages where toddlers are being tossed from the top of a building

Belinda Mallasasime
The Story in History


Some worshipers tossing a baby down a building (Photo source:

Culture is indeed an important aspect of life. Communities from all around the world have their unique culture and traditions which they tenaciously hold on to. While some of these traditions might be acceptable to outsiders, some seem outrageous. One of those is the Baby Tossing Ritual of India.

For over 700 years, Muslim and Hindu worshipers in certain areas of India have been known to practice the rather terrifying ritual of Baby tossing where toddlers are being taken to a temple or mosque where they are thrown down from the top of a thirty feet high building in front of hundreds of witnesses.

The Baby Tossing Ritual

According to legends, many centuries ago in India, the mortality rate of babies was quite high. After several prayers and intercessions by the people, they received an instruction from a Saint who claimed the only way to get god to put an end to the high mortality rate of infants was to prove their faith in god by performing what is now known as the Baby tossing ritual. The ritual was considered a way to impress god so he would grant their babies good luck, long life, and prosperity.

