The Culture Where Little Boys Have Sex With Older Women

The rite of passage where older women teach sex to adolescent boys by sleeping with them

Belinda Mallasasime
The Story in History


A woman and two little boys (Photo source: documentary tube)

Mangaia is one of the oldest islands in the Pacific, it is also the second-largest in the Cook Islands with a population of about 499 as of 2016. Residing in the Southern part of the Cook Islands, the Mangaia tribe is known for being the wonderland of the Cook Islands but most importantly, the tribe is known to be one of the few tribes in the area that still practice some really questionable rituals and traditions — one of which is the rite of passage of their young boys.

Sex Tradition in the Mangaia Tribe

In the Mangaia culture, Sex is considered a thing of pride and it is believed that depriving people (whether young or old) of this pleasurable experience is pointless and insensitive so they encourage their young children to start engaging in sex. Girls as young as 13 years in the Mangaia tribe are allowed, actually encouraged to have multiple sexual partners (most of which are older men). As for the boys, there’s a whole sexual initiation process before they can be identified as men.

But before then, they are taught to masturbate at the age of eight and when they turn 13 they begin the main initiation…



Belinda Mallasasime
The Story in History

Psychologist/ Top Writer, Lover of GOD and People. I write mostly on History, Travel, Leadership, and Culture. My religion is Love.